Our Vision

Victory World Outreach is a local church with a global mission to expand the Kingdom of God through evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. Following the command of Jesus in Mark 16:15, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature," we are committed to spreading His message through various outreach efforts, including concerts, door-to-door evangelism, and family events. We also focus on intentional discipleship and the establishment of new churches, ensuring that the Gospel reaches people near and far.




Evangelism - Discipleship - Church Planting

Our fellowship has new church plants all over the world every year. IN ADDITION TO THAT, VWO Denton has planted 9 churches directly from within. SIX in TEXAS, two in costa rica, and one in Africa.


The Holy Scriptures

We believe the Bible is authoritative and God-inspired.

2 TIM. 3:16, 17

The Eternal Godhead

We believe in the Trinity of God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

2 COR. 13:14

The Fall of Man

We believe that man was created in the image of God, but that by voluntary disobedience he fell from perfection.

ROM. 5:12

The Plan of Salvation

We believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, signing the pardon of all who believe on Him.

JN. 3:16; ROM. 5:8

Salvation through grace

We believe that we have no righteousness and must come to God pleading the righteousness of Christ.

EPH. 2:8

Repentance & acceptance

We believe that upon sincere repentance, and a whole-hearted acceptance of Christ, we are justified before God.

1 JN. 1:9

The new birth

We believe that the change that takes place in the heart and life at conversion is a very real one.

2 COR. 5:17; GAL. 2:20

daily christian life

We believe that it is the will of God that we be sanctified daily, growing constantly in the faith.

HEB. 6:1

baptism & the lord’s supper

We believe that baptism by immersion is an outward sign of an inward work. We believe in the commemoration of the Lord's Supper by the symbolical use of bread and juice of the vine.

MATT. 28:19; 1 COR. 11:24, 25

baptism of the holy spirit

We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is to endue the believer with power; and that His incoming is after the same manner as in Bible days.

ACTS 2:4

the spirit-filled life

We believe that it is the will of God that we walk in the spirit daily.

EPH. 4:30-32

the gifts & fruit of the spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit has gifts to bestow upon the Christian; and that we should show spiritual fruit as evidence of a Spirit-filled life.

1 COR. 12:1-11; GAL. 5:22


We believe that the experience and the daily walk of the believer should never lead him into extremes of fanaticism.

PHIL. 4:5

divine healing

We believe that divine healing is the power of Christ to heal the sick in answer to a prayer of faith.

JAM. 5:14-16

the second coming of christ

We believe that the second coming of Christ is personal and imminent.

1 THESS. 4:16, 17

church relationship

We believe it is our sacred duty to identify Ourselves with the visible church of Christ.

ACTS 16:5; HEB. 10:25

civil government

We believe that rulers should be upheld at all times except in things opposed to the will of God.

ROM. 13:1-5

the final judgement

We believe that all shall stand some day before the judgment seat of God; and there receive eternal life or death.

2 COR. 5:10


We believe that heaven is the glorious eternal home of born-again believers.

JN. 14:1-3; REV. 7:15-17


We believe that hell is the place of eternal torment for all who reject Christ as the Savior.

REV. 20:10, 15


We believe that soul-winning is the most important responsibility of the Church.

JAM. 5:20

tithes & offerings

We believe that the method ordained of God for the support and spread of His cause is by giving of tithes and free-will offerings.

MAL. 3:10; 2 COR. 9:7

Blake & Karla Andrews

Lead Pastor

Pastor Blake and Karla have pastored for over 20 years, having pioneered two different works— one in 2001 in San Jose, Costa Rica and the other in 2008 in Denton, Texas where they are currently the lead pastors. This couple has a passion for people as well as for children, as they started a children’s ministry in ‘98 that continues to minister to Costa Rican children to this day. Pastor Blake also played professional basketball in Costa Rica for 5 years, from 2003-2007. A few of their favorite things include going to the movies and hitting the gym. These foodies also enjoy small getaways while trying new places and taking a stroll around the town.

Mario & deanza owens

assistant pastor

Pastor Mario and DeAnza have been a part of the fellowship their entire lives. Having pastored in Colorado and Arizona, this couple has also had part in the work of our overseas church in Costa Rica, where they ministered from 2007-2012 when Pastor Blake and Karla moved back to the US to start another VWO church. They are now back in the US and serving alongside their long-time friends in Denton, Texas. This couple appreciates the simple pleasures in life—like enjoying a perfectly cooked steak and making memories with family.

elbert & pamela andrews

assistant pastor

Elbert and Pamela are Pastor Blake’s parents. They have been serving alongside VWO Denton since Blake and Karla moved back from their mission work in Costa Rica. They love welcoming people in with a smile and their sweet spirit.


It's our foremost desire that you come to know Jesus in a personal and real way!


Grow is your relationship with God by joining a small group, attending services, & investing time into reading your Bible & praying. 


Saved people, serve people! Find an area in the church that you could serve others using your unique gifts & talents. 


We have many opportunities for you to share the message of Jesus with our city and around the world. We encourage you to join in on an outreach and share Jesus with others!



Ron & Marie Jones // Founding Pastor of VWO FELLOWSHIP

Ron and Marie Jones have been married for more than 52 years with more than five decades of pastoral ministry. They have pastored six churches and founded Victory World Outreach in 1978. They moved to Colorado Springs with three kids and one on the way. All of their children are pastors and serving God in the VWO fellowship. They enjoy spending time with each other and loving on their 3 dogs.



WATCH HOW THE POWER OF Jesus Christ tranforms lives


Jesse’s story

Delivered from drug addiction!

Cesi’s story

Healed from infertility!

DAVID’s story

Set free!

Priscilla’s story

Set free!

Yoanna’s story

Set free!

Nestor’s story

Set free!

brianna’ story

Set free!

JOSE’ story

From agnostic to believer!

 VWO Family